The Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022: Whistleblowing EU Directive in Ireland

Legal & Compliance

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Helena Jezkova

Marketing Manager



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1 min

The EU Whistleblowing Directive in Ireland

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    Ireland is preparing to implement the Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022 which dramatically expands who is covered by whistleblowing laws. Additionally, the act places the burden of proof on employers in cases involving suspected retaliation against the whistleblower.

    Under the law, every organization with 50 employees or more must establish formal channels and procedures for “protected disclosures” (AKA whistleblowing). The act also expands the list of those protected to include job applicants, volunteers, shareholders, and board members.

    Employers must monitor the whistleblowing channels, follow up on reports, and give feedback on all communication received via these channels. 

    Finally, if someone believes they were punished for whistleblowing, it is incumbent on the company to prove their actions(such as firing or docking of hours) were not retaliatory.

    Get ready for January 1st, 2023
    Ireland and the Whistleblower legislation

    Ireland is the 11th country to adopt a new law by implementing the EU Whistleblowing Directive. The new whistleblowing legislation will go into effect on January 1st, 2023.

    Get a secure and anonymous whistleblowing channel for whistleblowers to help them speak up and meet requirements by Irish national law.

    Whistleblowing system in Ireland

    All private sector organizations with more than 50 employees are obliged to provide an internal whistleblowing system. 

    FaceUp offers the #1 rated whistleblowing system:

    👉 Irish whistleblowing law and GDPR compliant, ISO certified. 

    👉 Whistleblowers are able to report anonymously - writing and orally.

    👉 5 minutes implementation without the need for IT department.

    👉 Administration and completely customizable form, both available in 113 languages. 

    👉 Secured with 2FA, E2E encryption, and penetration testing.

    👉 Cooperation with partners - psychologists, lawyers, etc.

    And we offer much more!

    How FaceUp whistleblowing system can help you to comply with the EU Whistleblowing Directive in Ireland? Have a look.
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