Data & Insights

Transform Metrics into Action

Centralize all of your key findings in one powerful dashboard. Track case resolution times, gather feedback, and access AI-driven summaries to stay on top of trends.

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Your Data, Visualized and Actionable

Get all of your key metrics in one dashboard. Breeze through the data easily via advanced filtering and quickly identify pain points. The PowerBI integration visualizes your data in new ways, while AI summaries provide easy-to-understand insights to help you spot trends and act.

  • Clear Dashboard with Key Statistics

    View essential metrics like average case resolution time, open case time, and reporter feedback in one clear dashboard.

  • PowerBI Integration & AI Analytics

    Visualize data and trends using PowerBI integration, and let AI summarize complex analytics, giving you quick, actionable insights.

  • Advanced Filtering & Segmentation

    Dive deep into your data with advanced filters and segmentation, helping you focus on the metrics and trends that matter most to you.

Empowering 3,500+ organizations in over 60 countries worldwide

Feedback from Those We've Helped

Top-Notch Security & Global Compliance

You can safely collect data, track cases, and summarize key findings in one powerful dashboard. Implement a secure data & insights management solution.

  • ISO 27001 certified

  • GDPR compliant

  • Local data storage

  • End-to-end encryption

  • Penetration test

  • Servers certification SOC 2