The Risk Assessment and Engagement Checklist Download the Checklist for Free:

  • Assess your company's speak-up culture

  • Evaluate the safety and comfort in your workplace

  • Take steps to improve employee engagement and feedback systems

  • Learn about the benefits of implementing an anonymous reporting platform

Is your company at risk?

  • Low Risk

    15-18 Checked Items

  • Moderate Risk

    10-14 Checked Items

  • High Risk

    5-9 Checked Items

  • Critical Risk

    0-4 Checked Items

Whistleblowing - the key to a safe, transparent, and profitable organization




“Employees send us various proposals and small improvement suggestions via FaceUp. So far, we have seen only positive reactions from employees who have adopted FaceUp as a friendly tool.”

Check if your company is at risk.Get your checklist today

Checklist Company Risk

Download the Checklist