Belgium whistleblowing

Belgium’s New Whistleblowing Law: What You Need to Know

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Helena Jezkova

1 min read

On December 15th 2022 Belgium passed a bill transposing the EU Whistleblowing Directive into national law. 

Here is what you need to know:

  • The law will establish 3 whistleblowing channels each with their own rules: an in-company channel, an external channel to the authorities and a channel to the press. 
  • With few exceptions, all legal entities with 50 to 249 employees will have until December 17th, 2023 to establish internal whistleblowing channels. Organizations with 250 employees or more must have these channels in place when the law enters into force on February 15th 2023.   
  • The Belgian law provides strong protection for whistleblowers against retaliation. Awards equal to 18-26 weeks' salary will be given to employees who are punished for stepping forward. 
  • Finally, the law expands on the EU Whistleblowing Directive. In Belgium reports on tax fraud and social fraud will also be protected. 

Is your organization prepared?  

Belgium’s new whistleblowing law will go into effect on February 15 2023, meaning that all companies with 250 employees or more must have whistleblowing channels in place by that date.  

Get a secure and anonymous whistleblowing channel to meet the legislative requirements of Belgium and help whistleblowers speak up. 

Do you need advice on how to effectively introduce a whistleblowing platform in Belgium? 

faceup whistleblowing


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Helena Jezkova

1 min read
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