Anonymous reporting is when an employee or stakeholder within an organization submits a report detailing an instance of wrongdoing or illegal activity without revealing their identity to the individual charged with receiving the reports.
Their report could contain evidence of internal fraud or theft, bullying, harassment, or some other kind of misconduct. It might also contain a suggestion for an improvement to the way the company operates.
Adding an anonymous element to your whistleblowing process has a range of benefits for both the company and the whistleblower. Here are a few of the key ones.
The key to successfully implementing an anonymous reporting tool is clear communication. This involves an announcement of the introduction of the tool, an explanation of how it works and when it should be used, plus regular reminders and follow up training sessions to ensure take up.
FaceUp is a secure, intuitive and easy to use anonymous reporting tool with a rich set of features. FaceUp can provide you with some handy materials and templates to make sure that implementation goes as smoothly as possible.
Whistleblowing – just a bureaucracy or an opportunity for your company?
Try FaceUp – A customizable whistleblowing system that's trusted by 3,360 companies and schools worldwide.