Risk Assessment and Engagement Checklist

Introducing the Risk Assessment and Engagement Checklist


Ry Hallada

3 min read

Is your company truly prepared to handle risks and keep your employees engaged? Find out today with our Risk Assessment and Engagement Checklist. It’s a handy tool to quickly gauge your organization’s speak-up culture and feedback channels.

Why You Need This Checklist

This checklist is designed to help Managers, HR representatives, and company owners spot potential red flags while assessing crucial, yet often overlooked, areas in companies.

Combine that insight with our whistleblower software and anonymous reporting system and you’ll be well on your way to making a positive impact through speak-up culture. Here’s a sneak peek at what each section covers:

What Kind of Compliance and Reporting Systems Do You Have in Place?

We believe implementing an anonymous reporting platform and whistleblowing solution is key in empowering employees to report concerns without fear, fostering a culture of trust and integrity. 

Do you have a dedicated hotline or contact person for confidential reporting? Do you train your employees on using your reporting system? 

Having the tools to act promptly on safety violations or workplace harassment enables swift and decisive action, maintaining the organization’s ethical standards and legal compliance. 

The Benefits of Using FaceUp for Compliance

  • Builds trust
  • Ensures legal compliance
  • Helps prevent fraud or corruption

How Do You Rate Employee Engagement and Feedback in Your Organization? 

Employee engagement and feedback are vital for creating a dynamic and motivated workforce. Whether it’s through conducting regular employee engagement surveys or providing anonymous suggestion tools, encouraging honest feedback is a great step in demonstrating that your employees’ voices matter.

Do you host town hall meetings or have open forums for your community? How often do you hold one-on-one feedback sessions? 

Making the effort to provide personalized feedback from managers, and celebrating employee contributions are additional ways to boost morale and motivation.

Benefits of using FaceUp for Employee Engagement and Feedback

  • Increases employee engagement
  • Fosters open communication
  • Helps enhance morale

Do You Provide a High Level of Psychological Safety and Comfort in Your Workplace?

Creating a safe and comfortable workplace environment is essential for employee well-being and productivity. Employees should feel safe to share ideas and concerns without fear of retaliation. Knowing their employer promotes a culture of openness provides reassurance. 

Do you emphasize personal safety and well-being? Do you provide multiple channels for speaking up? 

Effective communication enhances interpersonal skills and the overall vibe within an organization. You might be surprised at how important this is to your employees. Don’t wait until exit interviews to learn how you could have enhanced your employee’s experience.

Benefits of using FaceUp for Safety in the Workplace

  • Promotes well-being
  • Encourages openness
  • Supports continuous improvement

What Does Your Organization’s Score Mean? 

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Based on your checklist results, you’ll understand your company’s risk level and get tailored recommendations:

Risk Level and Recommendations:

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Your company is at critical risk. There are major gaps in compliance, reporting, and employee engagement. Don't wait, contact us for a consultation today.

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Your company is at high risk of compliance violations and employee engagement issues. Try FaceUp for free and see how our platform can protect your company and boost employee engagement. 

faceup whistleblowing
Your company has some good practices, but some areas need improvement. Download our ebook on how whistleblowing tools create great opportunities for any organization.

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Your company has systems in place for compliance, reporting, and employee engagement.  Read our blog on further maximizing employee engagement.

Download this Checklist

Ready to make a change? Download the checklist today and take the first steps of building a more engaged, compliant, and trustworthy organization.

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We'd Love to Hear From You

Have you used our checklist to evaluate your employer’s company on your own? We understand that employees often have valuable insights they might hesitate to share directly. If you’d like us to reach out to your company to suggest our tools, we can do so with complete confidentiality. 

Interested in confidential support? Contact us today, and let’s work together to improve your organization's practices and employee satisfaction, ensuring your feedback leads to positive change.
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Ry Hallada

3 min read
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